If, once you've read the list of available positions below, you are interested in helping, please click the link to the "Volunteer Interest Form." When the document appears, look towards the top left corner of the web page and click download. If you choose Microsoft Word, you can save the document, type in your information, attach to an email, and submit to John@firsthurst.com, or print and mail to the church address: 1801 N. Norwood Dr., Hurst, 76054.
Volunteer Interest Form
On Line Communicator- Use of email, Twitter, and Facebook to deliver general communication to students and/or parents. Facebook and Twitter accounts will need to be created for Crossroads. This person will need to be knowledgeable in setting up Twitter and Facebook accounts. The On Line Communicator will be given information to send out to students and/or parents. Using one of the options listed above, the On Line Communicator will contact necessary persons to convey information. If desired, a group of volunteers can divide up this task as necessary.
Mission Trip Preparation Crew- The trip coordinator for the 2010 Mission Trip will be Kellie Kellner. In preparation for the trip there is much research and phone/email communication that is required with possible ministry/concert locations, restaurants, transportation companies, lodging sites, and free time/entertainment venues. Members of the Preparation Crew will be responsible to Kellie Kellner for carrying out the preparation for the trip as deemed necessary by Kellie.
True Love Concert Help
- Dessert Coordinator
- Drinks Coordinator (Coffee, Tea, and Water)
- Ticket Sales
- Publications (Flyers, Tickets, etc)
- Decorations
Event Photographer (Experience Preferred but not required)
Event Videographer (Experience Required)
Some of you may not want to lead a position, but might be interested in helping in the following areas should opportunities arise!
- Volunteers needed for “groups” in below mentioned positions
- Drivers for local projects and events
- Hospitality for special events (food coordination and set up for fundraising concert, kickoffs, & special meetings)